Monday, July 11, 2016

10 pieces of wisdom from Confucius

1. It does not matter how slow you go, as long as you do not stop.
2. Never establish friendship with some one , who is not more virtuous than you.
3. When you become angry, think about the consequences.
4. If it is clear you can't achieve your goals, Don't change your goals- change your actions.
5. If you hate, then you have been defeated.
6. Noble people make demands on themselves, lesser people make demands on others.
7. Whatever you do in life, Do it with all your heart.
8. Give guidance only to those, who have acknowledged their ignorance and seek knowledge.
9. Extravagance in small things, will bring a great cause to run.
10. If people spit at your back , it means you are ahead.

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