1. Between 1968 and 1977 he dictated total of 22,000 pages of text
2. He translated and wrote purports to the voluminous18,000 verses of Srimad Bhagavatam.
3. Reading one verse with purport daily would take the reader 49.31 years to complete
4. He translated and wrote the purports to the 700 verses of Bhagavad Gita As It Is .
5. Reading one verse with purport daily would take two years to complete
6. He translated and wrote the purports to the 17 volumes of Caitanya Caritamrita - in total 2,170 pages or 11,555 verses!!
Reading one verse with purport daily would take the reader 31.6 years
to complete. Reading one page daily would take 5.9 years to complete
8. He also wrote Teachings of Lord Caitanya, Nectar of devotion, Teachings of Lord Kapiladeva, Sri Isopanisad...
9. He created Back to Godhead magazine which was monthly distributed in 1 milion
10. He wrote 7000 letters to His disciples which was published in 5 volumes of books
11. Only Srimad Bhagavatam lectures He gave are compiled in 11 volumes of books
12. Bhagavad Gita lectures are compiled in 7 volumes of books
13. His conversations have been compiled in 42 volumes of books
14. He produced inumerable recordings
15. He established 108 temples
16. He published 147 books. Reading one book monthly would take 13 years
17. If one started to read one book monthly now, in 2017, he would not finish till 2030
18. He traveled around the world 14 times
15. Beside this He changed lifes of at least 10000 people who become His initiating disciples.
16. And all of this Srila Prabhupada did in ONLY 11 years!!
in the age between 70-80
His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada ki Jai !

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