Day 3: 18 November 2023
(Summary notes by Gauranga Darshan Das)
The three sections of Caitanya lila – Adi, Madhya & Antya. In the Antya lila, Lord Caitanya experienced deep ecstasies in separation from Krishna, in the mood of Sri Radha.
🌼 The inconceivable good fortune we have is not humanly possible to comprehend, to be in the land of the Lord’s own pastimes. If we have any false pride about our importance in this world, we are not aware of our own fortune.
Krishna is the absolute goal of life, he is the cause of all causes. People take sannyasa to renounce the world, to dedicate themselves exclusively to the service of the Lord.
Impersonalists aspire to become one with the Lord. The Vaishnavas want to dedicate their body, mind and words to the service of the Lord. That Krishna appeared as Lord Caitanya.
🌼 Sri Krishna Caitanya Radha Krishna nahi anya – Krishna know everything in the past, present and future. But one thing that Krishna doesn’t know – He is longing to understand and experience the love in the heart of Sri Radha.
The purusharta siromani, the crest jewel of human goals, is to lovingly serve the Lord.
Lord Caitanya is infinitely beyond the paramahamsa stage. Why should he carry sannyasa danda? So Lord Nitnayanada broke it in his infinite ecstasy of loving service to Lord Caitanya. Nityananda is Balarama, the first expansion of Kirshna, nondifferent than Krishna, He is the original servitor of Krishna.
Nityananda Prabhu spoke to the danda, “The Lord whom I carry in my heart is carrying you. This is not right. I serve the Lord and He is serving you!” Nityananda Prabhu broke it. Nityananda Prabhu, to establish the supreme position of Lord Caitanya, broke the danda.
Lord Caitanya was internally happy, but externally playing the role of a devotee, who took sannyasa few days before, became angry with Nityananda. He said, “Do you know all the devatas are present in a sannyasa danda.”
🪔 *Sarvabhauma Bhattacharya’s service to Lord Caitanya at Puri*
Caitanya Caritamrita Madhya lila Chapter 6 summary
🪔 *Stories shared by Srila Gaura Govinda Swami Maharaj*
Srila Gaura Govinda Swami Maharaj to HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj, “Thank you very much for your service to Srila Prabhupada.” Just before Gaura Govinda Maharaj left to the spiritual world, He told the story of Lord Jagannath.
There are millions of sets of Jagannath Baladeva and Subhadra deities all over the world extablished by Srila Prabhupada.
In Dwaraka, Krishna has 16108 queens. Each one of them is a manifestation, personification and expansion of goddess of fortune. They are more intimate to the Lord than the Lakshmi of Vaikuntha. Their beauty, devotion and opulences are beyond imagination. They were speaking among themselves, "We are giving our lives and souls for the service of Krishna. Yet, in the night Krishna calls our gopi, gopi, Radhe Radhe..." "He does it even during the day." "Who is this Radha, who are these gopis? What is their love for Krishna, that Krishna is always thinking of them," Krishna said, "Actually my love is for Radha and Gopis, I only married you because you remind me of theor presnce in loving separation."
When Mother Rohini was pregnant, Vasudeva sent her to Nanda Maharaj's house. The meeting of mothers Rohini and Yasoda was like the meeting of Ganga and Yamuna. Later Balaram was born, and Rohini maata kept him in the lap of Yashoda maata. And after 8 days of Balaram's birth, Krishna took birth.
Apart from Krishna and Balarama, at Dwarak,, it was only Mother Rohini who lived in Vrindavana witnessing the childhood pastimes of Krishna and Balaram.
🌼 The residents of Vrindavan exclusively possess Madhurrya bhava, without comprehension of the opulence and majesty of Krishna, covered by sweetness of Krishna.
🌼 Krishna is conquered by the sweetness of the love of the gopis. This sweetness is not found in Dwaraka or Vaikuntha. Rasa dance is not found in any part of he world.
🌼 A simple quality that defines the nature of a true devotee is that they have no envy.
🌼 The foundational principle of material existence is ENVY. This propensity is deeply rooted in a conditioned soul. When we think we are enjoyer, and proprietor, that is an expression of envy toards God. Because God is the supreme proprietor and enjoyer - bhoktaram yajna tapasam... When the propensity of envy towards God is there, its difficult to love and serve Him.
🌼 Ego makes us feel taht we are the doer, priprietor, this is the basis of material suffering,
🌼 Who is a Vashnava? - one who recognizes Krishna's greatness. jivera svaraupa hoya krishnera nitya das.
🌼 When we recognize Krishna's strength, greatness, and strength, it is love. Then we naturally and genuinely develop a taste for Krishna's greatness.
🌼 Envy is when somebody is trespassing our own illusory positions of propritor, enjoyer, proprietor.
When we recognize Krishna's greatnes,s we actually fin true happiness in honouring an respecting other devoteees,
In Brihad Bhagavatamrita, all devotes like Siva, Narada, Prahlada, Hanuman and others
🌼 Gretaness is defined among viashnvas in recognising other devotees greatness, in other words it is nonenviousness. That is spiritual world.
🌼 The gopis are not envious tulsi and tulsi is praising the gopis. They are not envious of each other. Their joy is in appreciating each other. That is Vrindavan. No one is envious of Sri Radha. Everyone is findin their joy in their own ways of assisting the pastimes of Radha and Krishna.
🌼 The intensity of the gopis renunciation is to give up everything for Krishna's service. The gopis are willing forsake everything forever for Krishna's sake.
🌼 When the queens of Dwaraka heard about the gopis of Vrindavan they were appreciative and not at all envious. They were happy.
🌼 Krishna is there in everyone's heart. Tatra tishtami narada yatra gayanti mad bhakta.
🌼 Krishna and His eternal associates are their bodies. But we are not our bodies.
🌼 When Krishna was intensity absorbed in feelings of separation from Radharani, there were transformations in His body. That is Lord Jagannath.
🌼 Krishna told Narada, "I will forever live in this form in Jagannath Puri." The most ecstatic and merciful form.
Jagannath Baladev Subhadra are extremely merciful, accomodative, and acdessible.
🌼 On spiritual level love is manifest and sambhoga and vipralamba. The exchange of love between ashraya and vishaya ia love. Separation intensifies the joy of union and union intensifies the ecstacy of separation.
🌼 In Vrindavan Gopis are crying, "Krishna Krishna" in dwarka Krishna is crying, "Gopi Gopi".
🌼 When Krishna comes back to external consciousness, he will immediately run to Vrindavan. And he will never come back to Dwaraka.
🌼 Uddhava failed in his mission to console the vrajavasis although he stayed in Vrindavan for about 3 months. Nothing can pacify them except Krishna's presence. Uddhava says he isn't a good messenger.
🌼 Balaram also expresses his inability to console the Vrajavasis. What relation could be more intimate than the love between vrajavasis and Krishna.
🌼 When Balaram and Subhadra saw the vipralamba bhava of the Vrajavasis, his eyes widened and their bodies transformed, and they are uncontrollably immovable like forms of wood.
🌼 At Puri, Lord Chaitanya was in his ecstacies of separation from Krishna in the mood of Sri Radha, and Lord Jagannath was in the mood of separation from Radha. The 18 years of pastimes of Lord Caitanya in Puri are centred on these exchanges of feelings of loving separation between Radha and Krisna.
🌼 We are so unqualified, the more we realise that we are unqualified to even hear these things, what to see those things, the more the doors of these pastimes open to us.
🌼 *Humility:* Krishna das Kaviraj goswami was discussing lord Chaitanya's pastimes of Gambhira, by the mercy of Raghunath das Goswami and Svarup Damodar Goswami... He felt himself most unqualified to describe these pastimes. He says he wouod take the dust from the feet of the readers of CC, I m lower than worma in stool, and jagai madhai, and anyone who takes his name becomes sinful... He is feeling it to the core of his heart.
Humility of Rupa and Sanatan Goswamis .. breaking Lord Chaitanya's heart.
🌼 The more we feel ourselves unqualified the more is the opportunity to understand... Trinadapi sunicena.. that state of consciousness is not just a theory. It is possible by the causeless mercy of our gurus, the acharyas, the panchatattva and Sri Sri Radha Madhav.
🌼 Gaur Govinda Maharaj, kaviraj Goswami, Srila Prabhupada all are describing the pastimes of Jagannath Bladev Subdadra and Mahaprabhu at Puri, but how much can we comprehend.. depends on our consciousness... When we are out of bodily consciousness.
🌼 By hearing These topics with a HUMBLE HEART give us a deeper appreciation of Krishna, if we earnestly and sincerely serve his devotees, try to please our beloved Srila Prabhupada.
🌼 When we serve in a humble mood, hear, chant in the mood of servant of servant with eagerness to please Krishna.
🌼 *Darshan* Our purpose is that Jagannath wil be pleased to see us. He is th real seer.
🌼 *MOOD*: The holy names of Radha and Krishna are pleased to taste our devotion. When we are really sincere then the real taste of bhakti comes, then we can see Krishna, please Krishna and serve Krishan. Then Krishna is pleased to see us. This is bhakti.
🌼 *Attract the all attractive* by sincerely hearing, chanting, praying and begging for th mercy of Vaishnavas, guru, Caitanya mahaprabhu and nityananda prabhu. This is the mood of a real beggar, who prays for mercy.
Note: This notes was typed during the class just to provide the key points for your quick revision. Please forgive for any typos, mistakes, or missed key points.
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