Hare Krishna prabhuji please accept my humble obesiances.
1)Sucess of reading books is when we do *mananam* (churning).
2)Give representative *heading* in the paragraph in the form of words to remember the whole paragraph.
3)Check for *examples* and the *principles* they represent.
4)Remember *key words* to elobarate the examples.
5)Picturise the examples and *assimilate* the examples.
6)Group examples together which are denoting the same principle.
(EX-Magnet and iron fillings,attraction between mother and child represent the principle of relationship)
7)We should proceed from familiar to unfamiliar examples while preaching.
(Ex-As rain water is pure before it reaches the ground the love of gopis is pure without any motives).
8)Write down new concepts with a heading.
(Natural attraction between jiva and lord
Can represent it as originally pure,contaminated by bad association)
9)Can use *different colours* for headings and main points.
10)Write down all concepts and related examples to them.
11) *Write examples in a note book.*
12) *Share the examples* which are read or heard.
13)Best way to stock the example in our brain is to share with as many people as possible,which becomes an asset.
14)Assimilate overall theme of the lecture.
Know the subthemes.
15) *Study from different angles and scrutinizingly* (we get broader intelligence and understanding).
*Compare and contrast.
Comparing and finding similarities, contrasting and finding differences.*
(Ex-penances of Hiranyakashapu(approached demigods,purified his senses) and Dhruva(approached the lord,purified his senses)
16)Points are repeated emphasized again and again in books or lectures because we are forgetful and we donot apply what we read or hear.
17)Write important points read or heard
18) *Rather than speed, assimilation is important* of what is read or heard.
19) *Underlining the purports in the book is like an ornament on the dieties* (H.H Radhanath swami maharaj)
20) *Identify pivotal points* when reading or hearing.
21)we *should be alert and attentive* while hearing or reading.
22)Note down positive and negative examples and stories.
23)When we are deeply learned we will now where is what.
24)Make notes from various sources supporting the same theme or concept(same concept from different books)
25)Heading should be in such a way that we can easily remember the content of the paragraph.
26)To remember the headings remember the *key words.*
27)Close the book and try to *recollect* what is read.
28)It is better to note important points in small pocket books which can be carried with us and read when we are free.
*Made notes should be utilized,not to lie in the computer or notebooks.*
29) *Without contemplation knowledge becomes theoretical.*
30) *Convert study of sastra into daily application.*
Hare Krishna thanq so much prabhuji.
1)Sucess of reading books is when we do *mananam* (churning).
2)Give representative *heading* in the paragraph in the form of words to remember the whole paragraph.
3)Check for *examples* and the *principles* they represent.
4)Remember *key words* to elobarate the examples.
5)Picturise the examples and *assimilate* the examples.
6)Group examples together which are denoting the same principle.
(EX-Magnet and iron fillings,attraction between mother and child represent the principle of relationship)
7)We should proceed from familiar to unfamiliar examples while preaching.
(Ex-As rain water is pure before it reaches the ground the love of gopis is pure without any motives).
8)Write down new concepts with a heading.
(Natural attraction between jiva and lord
Can represent it as originally pure,contaminated by bad association)
9)Can use *different colours* for headings and main points.
10)Write down all concepts and related examples to them.
11) *Write examples in a note book.*
12) *Share the examples* which are read or heard.
13)Best way to stock the example in our brain is to share with as many people as possible,which becomes an asset.
14)Assimilate overall theme of the lecture.
Know the subthemes.
15) *Study from different angles and scrutinizingly* (we get broader intelligence and understanding).
*Compare and contrast.
Comparing and finding similarities, contrasting and finding differences.*
(Ex-penances of Hiranyakashapu(approached demigods,purified his senses) and Dhruva(approached the lord,purified his senses)
16)Points are repeated emphasized again and again in books or lectures because we are forgetful and we donot apply what we read or hear.
17)Write important points read or heard
18) *Rather than speed, assimilation is important* of what is read or heard.
19) *Underlining the purports in the book is like an ornament on the dieties* (H.H Radhanath swami maharaj)
20) *Identify pivotal points* when reading or hearing.
21)we *should be alert and attentive* while hearing or reading.
22)Note down positive and negative examples and stories.
23)When we are deeply learned we will now where is what.
24)Make notes from various sources supporting the same theme or concept(same concept from different books)
25)Heading should be in such a way that we can easily remember the content of the paragraph.
26)To remember the headings remember the *key words.*
27)Close the book and try to *recollect* what is read.
28)It is better to note important points in small pocket books which can be carried with us and read when we are free.
*Made notes should be utilized,not to lie in the computer or notebooks.*
29) *Without contemplation knowledge becomes theoretical.*
30) *Convert study of sastra into daily application.*
Hare Krishna thanq so much prabhuji.
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