Hare Krishna
Only five days more for the ending of Damodhar masa (Kartik month) ends on 30th November 2020 .
The most auspicious month in a year. What we can do in this month.....
It is simple and most beneficial for our spiritual life.
1. You can chant Hare Krishna Maha mantra extra one or two rounds, apart from your regular chanting.
2. Read Bhagavad-gītā daily atleast one sloka
3. Read Damadhara lila daily (Posted below)
4. Offer flower to the Lord daily
5. Keep the photo of Yashoda Damodhara (photo posted below) and show the lamp everyday to the Lord.
If you able to do the above devotional service to the Lord. You are one of the most fortunate person not only in this world, in the entire creationof the Lord. Try it, there is no loss ..... for 30 days only. It takes only 30 minutes per day.
The Lord given all the requirements for our survival, if we do the above devotional activities atleast in this month, we are showing our gratitude to the Lord.
Yours in the service of Lord Krishna,
Bh Santhosh Kotapally (KSK)
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