Our vedic scriptures never gave regard to external
success, it was all about internal success. Arjuna's success is not
measured with how many he killed in the battlefield of Kurukshetra, it's
by seeing how such a powerful warrior surrendered to the order of God
and followed it as his life and soul through the battlefield. Any
activity in life, how it is transforming you into a person with
humility, grattitde and compassion for others is the true measurement of
success. Every thing else that comes along like name, fame and wealth
are by-products.
Bhakisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Maharaj beautifully explained who is a
great and successful man. He told "A person who can remain virtuous and
tolerates his senses in the most tempting situations in life is the
greatest". Anyone who does not have any control on his mind and senses,
he might win the whole world, but he will lose everything from within
and remain unsatisfied. Again the best example is Ravana. He was a
Brahman with highest knowledge, he was stonch devotee of Lord Shiva, He
had the best children who could defeat the devatas, he had the most
beautiful and chaste wife Mandodari, he had the richest kingdom made
with Gold, he had the benediction that no one can kill him including
Yamaraj, and much more. From material terms he was the most successful
person ever.
But only problem was he had
uncontrolled mind filled with lust. He kidnapped Sita who was others
wife. All his knowledge could not stop him from such an act. His mind
did not allow him to hear any advice from others. He remained in
depression from within as he neither could enjoy his wifes nor could
dare to touch Sita whom he kidnapped. His mind did not allow him to see
what he already had in life. It kept on asking him to pursue for more.
Finally he lost his life in such useless pursuit.
I personally learned from Acharyas in our parampara of what sucess is?
Success is to have a "Satisfied Heart". Be greatful for what you have
got and invest everything in purification of heart. That's our
definition of success of life

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