Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Right time

Waitingfor the right time, that time will never come. The only time is now. -Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year filled with Krishna consciousness


There was once a disciple of a Guru who went to his Guru and said, "Guruji, I want to live a spiritual life. I want to live in the service of God. I want to go beyond the binding chains of this mundane, materialistic world. But, I feel that I am not quite ready. My desires for a family, for wealth and enjoyment are still too strong. Grant me some time to fulfill these wishes and then I will come to your holy feet
So the Guru said, "No problem, my child. Go. Get married, have a family and earn wealth. In ten years I will come back for you. My blessings are with you."

With the blessings of his Guru, the man went out and quickly found a beautiful girl to marry. They had 3 beautiful children, and the man become financially successful. After 10 years, there was a knock on the door of their home. The man's wife opened it to see a haggard-looking beggar standing on the doorstep. The beggar asked to see her husband. At first she started scolding the beggar, thinking that he was just there to beg for money. But, the husband realized that the beggar was his Guru so he lovingly invited him inside. 

"I have come to take you away from this world of illusions now that you have fulfilled your desire of having a wife, family and earnings. Come with me, my son, let me show you the way to God."But, the man looked at his Guru pitifully and he said, "Dear, Beloved, Guru. Yes,  you are right. You have given me my 10 years ever so generously and with your blessings I have prospered. But, my children are very young and my wife is again with child. She would not be able to handle the burden of all of them alone. Allow me to stay another ten years until the children are old enough to care for themselves." 

A true Guru will guide you to the path, show you the light and help when help is requested, but will never force a disciple -- against the disciple's will -- to follow any particular path. Thus, the man's Guru compassionately agreed, saying, "So be it, my son. Stay another 10 years until you feel that your mission is fulfilled." 

Ten years later, the Guru returned to the home to find a large bull-dog out front guarding the house. Immediately he recognized his disciple in the dog and saw -- with his divine vision -- that the man had passed away several years prior but, due to his intense protectiveness over his family and wealth, he had reincarnated as a guard dog. The Guru put his hand on the dog's head and said, "My child, now that you have regressed from a human to a dog due to your attachment to these worldly things, are you finally ready to come with me?" The dog licked the hand of his Guru lovingly and said, "My beloved Guruji. You are right that it is my own attachment which has driven me to take birth as a dog, but you see my children have many enemies who are envious of their wealth and power. These enemies are very dangerous to my children and I must stay here to protect them. However, I am sure that within a few years everything will sort itself out and they will be fine. Give me just seven more years to protect them, then I am yours."

The Guru left and returned 7 years later.

This time, there was no dog out front and the home was filled with grandchildren running around. The Guru closed his eyes and saw with his divine vision that his disciple had taken birth in the form of a cobra, wedged into the wall near the family safe to guard the money. He called the grandchildren of the house: "My children," he said. "In the wall to the right of your safe, there is a cobra curled up in a small nook. Go there and bring the cobra to me. Do not kill it. It will not harm you, I promise. But, just break its back with a stick and then bring it to me." The children were incredulous, but went to the wall where the old man had directed them. Incredibly they saw that -- just as the Guru had said -- a cobra was curled up in the wall. Following his orders, they broke the cobra's back and carried it outside to the Guru. The Guru thanked the children, threw the cobra over his neck and left. 
As he walked away carrying the cobra over his neck, the Guru spoke to the cobra, injured and aching, "My child, I am sorry for hurting you, but there was no other way. Twenty seven years and three births ago you left to taste the material world of sensual pleasures. But the ways of Maya are so alluring and so subtle that they trap us instantly. You have wasted these lifetimes in the futile pursuit of material success and in attachment to people who also are only actors in the Cosmic Drama. My child, all here is Maya - Cosmic Illusion. It lures us into its trap, convincing us that it is real, permanent, everlasting and significant. But, in reality, the only thing which is real is Him, and the only true purpose of life is to get close to Him. These attachments merely divert our attention and focus away from the true purpose of life. I had no choice but to come to your rescue as I saw you sinking deeper and deeper into the deep clutches of Maya." 

So frequently in life we think, "Just one more year" then I will cut back on my luxuries and cut back on my time at the office. "Just one more year" and I will dedicate more time to meditation and spiritual pursuits. "Just one more year" and then I will go to India, sit at my Guru's feet and delve into the divine depths of spirituality. "Just one more year" and then I will cut down on my sensual pleasures."....and on and on. But, that "one more year" never comes. Our intentions are good. We want to be more spiritual. We want to devote more time to spiritual pursuits. We want to spend less, need less and serve more. We want to be the master over our lust, anger and greed rather than vice versa. But, the power of Maya is stronger than the power of our will. Thus, we continue to find excuses for why we must continue to work 50 or 60 hour work-weeks, why we still have no time for meditation, why we can't squeeze a visit to the holy places of India into our year's planning, and why we must continue to satiate our insatiable sensual urges. 

The only way to break free from the veil of illusion that Maya wraps around our minds is to surrender to God and beg Him to show us the true light. The only way to break free is to make AND STICK TO concrete vows of how we are going to be better people next year. Rather than saying "I will find time to meditate" we must say "I will not leave for work without sitting in meditation and I will not sleep at night without doing my nightly introspection." Rather than saying, "I will try to come to India and visit holy places whenever I can," we must say "I will take my vacation this year in India and nowhere else." 

Rather than say, "I will try to cut back on my expenses so that my financial needs are less," we must say, "I will not buy another jacket or pair of shoes [or anything] until the ones that I have are broken, torn or no longer fit me." Rather than say, "I will try to overcome my anger, lust and greed," we must commit to having daily appointments with God in which we introspect on all the times we allowed ourselves to be overpowered by these emotions and we must pray for strength, DAILY, to be remain calm, peaceful and sattvic in our lives."
If we wait for the right time, that time will never come. The only time is now.

May God bless you all with the clarity of vision to realize that the external world is Maya and with the strength, fortitude and dedication to remove the veil and attain the Divine Truth.



Thursday, December 21, 2017

*The Simple Method*

Sometimes it appears very difficult to make advancement in Krishna consciousness and we become impatient. If we expect immediate results and they aren’t forthcoming, we can easily become discouraged. For those of us who are unable to live in a temple (or even near a temple), this is especially true. So what’s the solution?

In *November of 1969* while speaking in *London’s Conway Hall, Srila Prabhupada* stated the following:

“The process is very simple. Just keep a picture of Lord Caitanya with His associates. Lord Caitanya is in the middle, accompanied by His principal associates—Nityananda, Advaita, Gadadhara, and Srivasa. One simply has to keep this picture. One can keep it anywhere. It is not that one has to come to us to see this picture. Anyone can have this picture in his home, chant this Hare Krishna mantra, and thus worship Lord Caitanya. That is the simple method. But who will capture this simple method? Those who have good brains. Without much bother, if one simply keeps a picture of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu at home and chants Hare Krishna, then one will realize God. Anyone can adopt this simple method. There is no expenditure, there is no tax, nor is there any need to build a very big church or temple. Anyone, anywhere, can sit down on the road or beneath a tree and chant the Hare Krishna mantra and worship God. Therefore it is a great opportunity.”

In this brief statement, Srila Prabhupada underlines the simplicity and accessibility of Krishna consciousness for everyone. Nothing fancy is required. Srila Prabhupada says here that one simply has to chant Hare Krishna and keep a picture of Lord Caitanya and His associates (Sri Panca-Tattva) in his or her home. “That is the simple method,” he declares. But who will take to it? “Those who have good brains.”

If we make the effort to understand Srila Prabhupada’s teachings in essence, it becomes obvious that what he is saying is always very practical and straightforward. Anyone in any condition of life can practice devotional service to the Supreme Lord by applying Prabhupada’s instructions to their daily lives. We can begin by hearing the transcendental sound vibration of the Hare Krishna mantra from the lips of Krishna’s pure devotee, Srila Prabhupada. Then we can chant the Hare Krishna mantra: “Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna Krishna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare.” This is the beginning of our devotional lives.

From here, we can gradually read and become familiar with Srila Prabhupada’s books and instructions. If we can’t read, then we can listen to Prabhupada’s tapes. It is not required that we must become great scholars or renunciants to advance in Krishna consciousness. In fact, these accoutrements can be obstacles on the spiritual path if we become arrogant or “puffed up” because of them. Lord Caitanya Himself taught that the chanting of Hare Krishna must be performed “in a humble state of mind.” Srila Prabhupada confirms that sincerity is the essential ingredient in the successful execution of bhakti-yoga:

“Some scholars recommend that knowledge and renunciation are important factors for elevating oneself to devotional service. But actually that is not a fact. Actually, the cultivation of knowledge or renunciation, which are favorable for achieving a footing in Krishna consciousness, may be accepted in the beginning, but ultimately they may also come to be rejected, for devotional service is dependent on nothing other than the sentiment or desire for such service. It requires nothing more than sincerity.”

(*Nectar of Devotion, Chapter 14*)

If we can’t enjoy the association of a temple or temple devotees, Srila Prabhupada has nonetheless requested that we stick to the process which he has revealed to us, regardless of our personal circumstances:

“Whether you live in temple or outside temple, the rules and regulation and the process must be followed. Then you are successful. It doesn’t matter that you have to live in the temple. If he does not agree with other godbrothers, friends, he can live separately. But he must follow the rules and regulation. That is wanted.”

(*Srila Prabhupada Conversation, Honolulu, February 3, 1975*)

Quite simply, our home can become our temple and place of worship. After all, Lord Krishna is in everyone’s heart and He sees everything. So there is no impediment to our spiritual advancement if we are sincere in our efforts and determination. We can design a simple altar at home and honor the above-mentioned picture of Sri Panca-Tattva. In addition, Srila Prabhupada has authorized us to worship his picture as nondifferent from him:

“There is no difference between me and my picture. Therefore we should honor and keep pictures in that spirit. If we throw pictures this way and that way, that is offence. The name and picture are as good as the person in spiritual world. In the material world either picture or person, everything is illusion.”

(*Srila Prabhupada Letter, September 4, 1972*)

In this way, we can have the association of the Supreme Lord and His pure devotee wherever we are. Then we can always feel the divine presence in our lives. This is the simple method recommended by Srila Prabhupada.

*All glories to Srila Prabhupada.*

By Padmapani das

*Sent by ISKCON Desire Tree* 

Woman duties

🌷  Narad Muni instructs Maharaj Yudisthira about the qualities of a chaste woman as well as her duties in Vedic culture.

  1. To render service to the husband
  2. To be always favorably disposed toward the husband
  3.  To be equally well disposed toward the husband’s relatives and friends and
  4.  To follow the vows of the husband
*these are the four principles to be followed by women described as chaste.*

It is very important for peaceful householder life that a woman follow the vow of her husband. *Any disagreement with the husband’s vow will disrupt family life.* 

In this regard, Canakya Pandita gives a very valuable instruction:

 dampatyoh kalaho nasti tatra srih svayam agatah. 

*When there are no fights between husband and wife, the goddess of fortune automatically comes to the home.*

 ... ...For peace and happiness in the material world, the varnasrama institution must be introduced. The symptoms of one’s activities must be defined, and one must be educated accordingly. Then spiritual advancement will automatically be possible.


Once a thief entered in a devotees house in Russia. But he didn't find anything worth stealing in that house. He just saw Mridang, kartal, Bell, books etc..

But it was his principal that cause he went to steal there, so something he has to steal  from that particular house.. Then suddenly he saw a Book on the fridge,so he took the book & went out..
Guess which book it was ? 

It was Srila Prabhupada's Bhagavad Gita as it is..

Later on he started to read the book.. His wife started noticing him that her husband nowadays not going to do his job & one day she finally asked him that why you are not going to do your job (stealing).

Then the thief replied to his wife that I thought I'm a thief but In this book "Bhagavad Gita" it is written that every one in this world is a thief..

Step by step he studied the whole Gita & left all his bad deeds & became a devotee. Infact he joined the temple in Russia, & interestingly in the temple he got the book Distribution seva, & he used to get the highest score in book distribution cause he knew that Which house will buy Bhagavatam set & which house will buy Small books from his past experience.. 😀

So this is the power of Our Srila Prabhupada's book 😀

Hare Krsna

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Prayer n commitment

Once there was a king named Jai Singh, who was a great devotee of the Lord.

During the reign of Jai Singh the Mongols were conquering India. one by one, they attacked the small kingdoms of the country.

At the same time, even between those battles there were many other conflicts. It was a time of war and instability. Jai Singh’s kingdom was very beautiful and opulent.

Being desirous of that opulence the king of the neighboring kingdom tried to conquer Jai Singh’s kingdom again and again.

But whenever he met Jai Singh’s army he found it to be undefeatable.

Also the Mongols tried to defeat Jai Singh many times, but they too were unsuccessful.

In this way Jai Singh, who always personally led his army in battle, stayed true to his name, “Victory to the lion.”

One day, the neighboring king thought to himself, “If I cannot conquer him by fair means, I have to employ unfair means.”

Thus he sent his spies to find out about Jai Singh’s habits.

The spies soon returned with this message: every morning Jai Singh personally worships his deity, Sri Radha Raman.

He starts punctually at 8 a.m. and finishes the worship by 9 a.m.

No one was to disturb him during that time. So the neigh- boring king decided to attack at this time.

In this way, one morning, exactly one minute past eight he started his surprise attack.

Jai Singh was before Radha Raman. He prayed, “My Lord, I have given a vow to worship you. I cannot go and defend my people now.”

There was a loud knock at the door. The prime minister’s voice shouted from outside, “King, you have to lead your army! I brought a qualified priest with me, he can do the worship!”

Jai Singh answered, “Yes, but you know that I have given this vow to Radha Raman that I will always worship him personally.”

“We are all lost”, said the distraught minister, who then went to the king’s mother for help.

She came to Jai Singh and said to him “My son, what do you think the Lord appreciates more? – If you protect his devotees or if you dress him in a dhoti! As your mother I order you – lead your army!!”

Jai Singh said, “No mother, I’ve given a promise to Radha Raman.”

“Is this all you have to say to your mother? Our soldiers will be slaughtered. Some of the women will be violated and all the citizens will be made slaves.”

“I cannot break my promise”, was Jai Singh’s final word.

The mother said, “So be it, then we women of this palace will all burn our bodies to ashes so that the enemy will not lay his hands on us!”

The king prayed, “My Lord, please protect me. Please protect my people. My Lord, I have said no to my mother because I want to be true to my promise to you. Now you must save us.”

At this moment, something wonderful happened. Jai Singh had a war horse which was extremely powerful and almost as big as an elephant. Jai Singh was the only person who could ride it.

Suddenly the servants at the barn of the king’s horses saw a warrior running up to the barn with great speed and force.

He wore the armor of the king, his face covered and he yelled, “Make the horse ready!!!”

A few moments later the horse ran out of the palace. The enemy’s army was frightened, “Oh no, the king is coming!”

The warrior had a sword in both of his hands and immediately began cutting himself through the army of the enemy. However, everyone who en- countered the warrior became supremely blissful, even when they fell to ground by his sword.

Jai Singh’s army enthusiastically shouted again and again, “Jai Singh ki jaya!”

Meanwhile Jai Singh sat before Rädhä Raman, continuing his prayer for protection while he dressed the deity.

When he wanted to give earrings to the Lord he saw that there was only one although he was sure that he had brought two.

At that time the enemy’s army  was slain. Soon the prime minis- ter found Jai Singh in the temple and started to praise him for fighting the battle single-handedly.

“I was not fighting at all”, said the surprised Jai Singh. “I was doing my puja here.”

When the minister finally took him to his war horse to show him that it was exhausted from the battle, Jai Singh understood that Radha Raman had fought the battle.

Later, Jai Singh found the missing earring of Radha Raman on the battle grounds and built a temple at that place.

The earring is still being worshiped there today.

This is the power of prayer. The king prayed with sincerity for the Lord’s protection and the Lord took care of everything.

What is Praying ?

A child asked God, "How should I pray so you would listen to my prayers?"
God responded, "It's very easy to pray. Pray in the order of the fingers of your hand.
Your thumb is the nearest to you. So begin your prayers by praying for those closet to you. They are easiest to remember . To pray for loved ones is a sweet duty.

The next finger is the pointing finger. Pray for those who teach,instruct and heal. This includes teachers and doctors and saints. They need wisdom and support for guiding others. Keep them in your Prayers.

The next finger is the longest finger. It reminds us of our leaders. Pray for the president, the leaders in the society and industry, and the administrators. These people shape our nation and guide​ public  opinion. They need guidance. 

The fourth finger is the ring finger. It is the weakest finger. Therefore, it reminds us of those who are weak, in trouble or in pain. They need your prayers day and night. 

And lastly, comes the little finger; of smallest finger of all. It is here that you should place yourself in relation to Me and others. It reminds you to pray for yourself. After praying for all others it will become easy for you to pray for yourself. 

*We should remember and pray for those who have given us love, care, guidance and support. We should also pray for those who are selflessly working for the sake of others, as well as for those who are suffering. In this way we develop a heart full of compassion. Such a heart easily softens as we pray for ourselves.This was the way the great devotee, prahlad, prayed for the welfare of all living beings.*

Prabhuapada on japa


1) Any person who is chanting the holy names of Krishna in course of
time feels transcendental pleasure and very quickly becomes purified
of all material contamination.”

2) Simply by properly doing our japa daily, we can be freed from the
reactions to all sinful activities.

3) We cannot become fully Krishna conscious without chanting good
quality rounds daily. Chanting is the most powerful way to become
Krishna conscious.

4) Our strength is in following the regulative principles and chanting
16 rounds japa.

5) Everyone begins his devotional life from the neophyte stage, but if
one properly finishes chanting the prescribed number of rounds of
hari-nama, he is elevated step by step to the highest platform,
uttama-adhikari. – Nectar of Instruction

6) Of all the regulative principles, the spiritual master’s order to
chant at least sixteen rounds is most essential.

7) Minimum 16 rounds have to be chanted. Constant chanting should be our goal.

8) When Japa is not done with love and attention there is often no
observable spiritual or material result. However this same Japa, done
with love and attention, will enable us to perform all other devotion
practices in pure a manner, also with love and attention. –

9) There is no such requirement that japa should be done silently and
chanting should be done differently. Loudly or silently, everything is
all right. There is no such restriction. Only thing is that we should
chant very attentively, hearing the vibration very distinctly.

10) Your japa beads are your ticket back to Godhead.

Jai Srila Prabhupad🙌🏻🙌🏻

A True Incident

In the yr 1979, near the Trivandrum sea shore an Elderly Gentleman was reading the Bhagavad Gita. That time, a young Talented Atheist guy came & sat besides that Gentleman.
The young guy Taunted the Gentleman by saying that in the age of science, people are so foolish that they read old fashioned books like the Gita.

He further said that, had you devoted this same time to science, then by now the country would have scaled great heights.

The Gentleman asked the young man for his introduction to which the youth replied that he was a science graduate from Kolkata who had come to make his career in Bhabha Atomic Research Center.

The youth further told the Gentleman go devote his attention to scientific research as by reading the Bhagavad Gita, he wouldn't be able to achieve anything.

The Gentleman smiled & got up to leave. As soon as he got up, his four security guards surrounded him & his driver brought his red beacon fitted official car. Seeing all this the youth panicked & asked the Gentleman, who are U.

The Gentleman replied that his name is Vikram Sarabhai, the Chairman of the same organization, where the youth had come to make his career.
At that point of time, there were 13 research organizations in the name of Vikram Sarabhai, along with which he was also the Chairman of Commitee for Atomic Planning, having being appointed to the same by the PM Indira Gandhi.

Now, it was the turn of the youth to be ashamed & he fell down on Sarabhai's feet, crying profusely. It was then that Sarabhai said a very Wonderful thing.

He said, "*Behind every creation, there's always the Creator. So, it doesn't matter, whether it is the time of the Mahabharat or Today's India. Never Forget God !!!*"

Today's Atheist people, by invoking the name of science, may dance as much as they want but history is witness that Science has been created by God believing Theists only.

*God is Eternal Truth. God's speech (Bhagavad Gita) is true; it cannot be Falsified at all. Just by worshipping it, troubles will surely get resolved.*

For Pregnant Woman

Hare Krishna,

These were the things I followed:
I would chant Maha Mantra ( Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare , Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare) every day (from the 2nd month)
I would listen to Sundarakanda by M.S. Ramarao ( )
My Bhakthi Vrukha Guru asked me read this - both the husband and wife have to read it in the 6th month     SB 6.19: Performing the Puṁsavana Ritualistic Ceremony ( )
I would suggest you to walk everyday after consulting with the doctor if it is safe to do so
One Prabhu asked me listen to Balakanda by Sri Chaganti ( )
Also when ever possible Mataji has to place her right hand on the stomach and recite "Achyutha Anata Govinda"
I would do this yoga routine as I would practice yoga before Pregnancy ( ) Please do consult doctor before doing any exercise
Please avoid soft cheeses and unpasteurized products 
Mataji, be happy always :)
It is going to be an amazing journey. Good luck with your little one.