CRANE - HEN - SALT - Characteristic Traits of A Vaishnava
Once a disciple went to Parashara Bhatta a great acharya in the Sri Vaishnava sampradaya and asked him what are the 'lakshana' (characteristic) of a Vaishnava. Bhattar asked his disciple to go and see Ananthazhwar in Tirupati, who is a disciple of Sripada Ramanuja and seek the answer from him. The disciple, after several days of travel, reaches Tirupati. Ananthazhwar seated Bhattar's disciple in the first batch of visitors. After ten days, Ananthazhwar kept the man waiting, until two batches had eaten. After a few days, Ananthazhwar offered him very little food and that too was offered after everyone else had eaten. Then he said to Bhattar's disciple, "The day you arrived, you said you had a doubt. What is that?" The man asked him as to what are the characteristic traits of a true vaishnava.
Ananthazhwar replied, "A Vaishnava is like a crane, is like a hen, is like salt and is like you."
The crane waits on the banks of a lake, and waits for the big fish alone to catch it for its meals, leaving out the rest of the tiny ones. Likewise *a Vaishnava ignores all worldly things and only pays attention to that which pertains to the Lord*.
A hen runs through garbage in the hope of finding a grain to eat. Just as the hen discards the rubbish and only eats the grain, so does a Vaishnava discard that which is useless. In other words, he discards that which does not pertain to the Lord. *A Vaishnava, amidst all the shastras, picks up the essence of it alone filtering out the rest*.
*Salt* gives any food its taste. Without salt, however carefully prepared, the dish is not palatable. It is added to every dish and yet we can't pinpoint the salt in the dish. It remains hidden imparting its flavor. So also a true vaishnava does not advertise himself. *A servant is not seen but his service is seen*.
A true Vaishnava is truly humble – like you, (amaaninaa maanadena) *who have disregarded all the ill-treatment meted out to you and sought only knowledge.*"
Srimad Bhagavatam in 4.21.44 declares that a devotee is gunaayanam *a reservoir of all good qualities.*
gunaayanam shila-dhanam krta-jnam
vrddhaashrayam samvrnate 'nu sampadah
prasidataam brahma-kulam gavaam ca
janaardanah saanucaras ca mahyam
vrddhaashrayam samvrnate 'nu sampadah
prasidataam brahma-kulam gavaam ca
janaardanah saanucaras ca mahyam
"Whoever acquires the brahminical qualifications—whose only wealth is good behavior, who is grateful and who takes shelter of experienced persons—gets all the opulence of the world. I therefore wish that the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His associates be pleased with the brahmana class, with the cows and with me."
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