Monday, September 26, 2016

#SoulFood# Srimad Bhagavatam 5.5.4

Sept 24 2016- Saturday
1. Whats the source of all suffering?
- Sinful Reactions
2. Why does one face Sinful reactions?
- Sinful Actions
3. Why does one sin?
- Ignorance of what is right and what is wrong
4. What is his idea?
- That which gives direct pleasure to my body and mind is right and that which does not is wrong
5. How does one become ignorant?
- Due to turning one's face away from Krsna.
6. Well how can I understand this?
- Krsna is light, turn away from light and you are in darkness. In darkness you dont see things as they are. Accidently you happen to step on broken glass pieces and bleed. The source of this suffering is being in darkness.
7. Is this body not for enjoyment?
- Yes it is. But seek true enjoyment by serving krsna. Other enjoyment sources are simply mirages for they trick you with temporary pleasure.
8. Did I get this human form due to past actions in past lives!?
- yes you did. Congrats. Now utilise it properly
9. So if I use it properly, can i get a better birth next life?
- Yes definitely. You could even get out of this repeated birth cycle. Aim high my friend!
10. Sounds good. Thank you!
- No problem. All the best. Hare Krsna

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