Friday, October 18, 2019

*The Leaking Bucket*

1. You're a very religious person following divine path but you don't lower your gaze when you see a member of the opposite gender. (A leaking bucket)

2. You wake up early morning trying to do your Pooja / Path but your mind is elsewhere and before you know it, you're done with your prayers (A leaking bucket)

3. You're very kind to outsiders/people in general and speak with them gently but with your own family you're always harsh/rude. (A leaking bucket)

4. You honour and treat your guests well but when they leave, you gossip about them and talk about their flaws. (A leaking bucket)

5. You try to read as much religious books, listen to Satsang /Keertan, participate in social services/ Sewa but you swear,  insult, curse daily. (A leaking bucket)

6. You help others but you're doing it to gain something in return from them and not doing those acts of kindness selflessly. (A leaking bucket)

7. You frequently advice/preach others on religious matters but practice none yourself. 
(A leaking bucket)

8. You slander other devout persons out of hatred/spite when your views do not meet one another. (A leaking bucket)

9. You look down on others and feel more superior than them, judging their level of knowledge about religion based on external appearances (A leaking bucket) 

_We struggle to fill our Jeevans (the bucket) with Kamaayi of religious knowledge (the water), hoping it will retain inside but it is leaked by the many flaws (the holes) that we commit daily._

An excellent reminder for all, to try and patch these holes up so we may progress further on this beautiful path of life.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Damodar Invittaion 2019

Hare Krishna dear devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances.
All glories to Srila Gurudev !!!
All glories to Srila Prabhupada !!!
Between *October 13, 2019 and November 12, 2019* we are having Kartik/Damodar month. This is the month in which Krishna was bound to a mortar using a rope by his mother Yashoda. There are many pastimes during this month. During the Damodar month, if one performs even a small devotional service, the effects are multiplied many times. Following is a list of some of the glories of Damodar month. The glories have been taken from various Vedic scriptures.
1) Just as there is no yuga equal to Satya-yuga, no scripture equal to the Vedas, and no place of pilgrimage equal to the Ganges, so there is no month equal to Kartika. Even unserious persons who execute devotional service according to the regulative principles during the month of Karttika, and within the jurisdiction of Mathura (or Vrindavana) in India, are very easily awarded the Lord's personal service". During the Kartika month millions of devotees worship Damodara Krishna with ghee lamps and devotional bhajans, glorifying His playful childhood pastime of stealing yogurt.
2) "When one offers a lamp during the month of Karttika, his sins in many thousands and millions of births perish in half an eye blink."
3) "Please hear the glories of offering a lamp during pleasing to Lord Kesava. O King of brahmanas, a person who offers a lamp in this way will not take birth again in this world."
4) "By offering a lamp during the month of Karttika one attains a pious result ten million times greater than the result obtained by bathing at Kuruksetra during a solar eclipse or by bathing in the river Narmada during a lunar eclipse."
5) "O Tiger among sages! For a person who thus offers a lamp burning with ghee or sesame oil, what is the use of performing an asvasmedha-yajna?"
6) "Even if there are no mantras, no pious deeds, and no purity, everything becomes perfect when a person offers a lamp during the month of Karttika." 
This is just tip of the iceberg.
*What do we do?*
We bring Damodar deity to your place and offer ghee lamps. All we need is a small table to setup an altar. You can invite your friends and relatives for the program so that they can also benefit. We perform a kirtan while everyone performs arati and we have a small class for about 15 minutes. Then we take some prasadam and answer any questions the devotees might have. The whole program does not take more than 30 minutes. This is a great way to spread mercy to your friends and relatives.
*What do you need to do?*
You do not have to do anything except to invite your friends and relatives and spread the mercy. We can schedule the time to perform the program at your convenience any time of the day during this month. We will bring everything with us and we do this for *FREE*.
We request you spread this word. It is only few weeks away and we would appreciate if you could share this information with your friends and relatives so that we can perform this at their place as well.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need any further information.
your humble servant,