Monday, December 31, 2018

Right Time - New Year's Meditation

There was once a disciple of a Guru who went to his Guru and said, "Guruji, I want to live a spiritual life. I want to live in the service of God. I want to go beyond the binding chains of this mundane, materialistic world. But, I feel that I am not quite ready. My desires for a family, for wealth and enjoyment are still too strong. Grant me some time to fulfill these wishes and then I will come to your holy feet
So the Guru said, "No problem, my child. Go. Get married, have a family and earn wealth. In ten years I will come back for you. My blessings are with you."

With the blessings of his Guru, the man went out and quickly found a beautiful girl to marry. They had 3 beautiful children, and the man become financially successful. After 10 years, there was a knock on the door of their home. The man's wife opened it to see a haggard-looking beggar standing on the doorstep. The beggar asked to see her husband. At first she started scolding the beggar, thinking that he was just there to beg for money. But, the husband realized that the beggar was his Guru so he lovingly invited him inside.

"I have come to take you away from this world of illusions now that you have fulfilled your desire of having a wife, family and earnings. Come with me, my son, let me show you the way to God."But, the man looked at his Guru pitifully and he said, "Dear, Beloved, Guru. Yes,  you are right. You have given me my 10 years ever so generously and with your blessings I have prospered. But, my children are very young and my wife is again with child. She would not be able to handle the burden of all of them alone. Allow me to stay another ten years until the children are old enough to care for themselves."

A true Guru will guide you to the path, show you the light and help when help is requested, but will never force a disciple -- against the disciple's will -- to follow any particular path. Thus, the man's Guru compassionately agreed, saying, "So be it, my son. Stay another 10 years until you feel that your mission is fulfilled."

Ten years later, the Guru returned to the home to find a large bull-dog out front guarding the house. Immediately he recognized his disciple in the dog and saw -- with his divine vision -- that the man had passed away several years prior but, due to his intense protectiveness over his family and wealth, he had reincarnated as a guard dog. The Guru put his hand on the dog's head and said, "My child, now that you have regressed from a human to a dog due to your attachment to these worldly things, are you finally ready to come with me?" The dog licked the hand of his Guru lovingly and said, "My beloved Guruji. You are right that it is my own attachment which has driven me to take birth as a dog, but you see my children have many enemies who are envious of their wealth and power. These enemies are very dangerous to my children and I must stay here to protect them. However, I am sure that within a few years everything will sort itself out and they will be fine. Give me just seven more years to protect them, then I am yours."

The Guru left and returned 7 years later.

This time, there was no dog out front and the home was filled with grandchildren running around. The Guru closed his eyes and saw with his divine vision that his disciple had taken birth in the form of a cobra, wedged into the wall near the family safe to guard the money. He called the grandchildren of the house: "My children," he said. "In the wall to the right of your safe, there is a cobra curled up in a small nook. Go there and bring the cobra to me. Do not kill it. It will not harm you, I promise. But, just break its back with a stick and then bring it to me." The children were incredulous, but went to the wall where the old man had directed them. Incredibly they saw that -- just as the Guru had said -- a cobra was curled up in the wall. Following his orders, they broke the cobra's back and carried it outside to the Guru. The Guru thanked the children, threw the cobra over his neck and left.
As he walked away carrying the cobra over his neck, the Guru spoke to the cobra, injured and aching, "My child, I am sorry for hurting you, but there was no other way. Twenty seven years and three births ago you left to taste the material world of sensual pleasures. But the ways of Maya are so alluring and so subtle that they trap us instantly. You have wasted these lifetimes in the futile pursuit of material success and in attachment to people who also are only actors in the Cosmic Drama. My child, all here is Maya - Cosmic Illusion. It lures us into its trap, convincing us that it is real, permanent, everlasting and significant. But, in reality, the only thing which is real is Him, and the only true purpose of life is to get close to Him. These attachments merely divert our attention and focus away from the true purpose of life. I had no choice but to come to your rescue as I saw you sinking deeper and deeper into the deep clutches of Maya."

So frequently in life we think, "Just one more year" then I will cut back on my luxuries and cut back on my time at the office. "Just one more year" and I will dedicate more time to meditation and spiritual pursuits. "Just one more year" and then I will go to India, sit at my Guru's feet and delve into the divine depths of spirituality. "Just one more year" and then I will cut down on my sensual pleasures."....and on and on. But, that "one more year" never comes. Our intentions are good. We want to be more spiritual. We want to devote more time to spiritual pursuits. We want to spend less, need less and serve more. We want to be the master over our lust, anger and greed rather than vice versa. But, the power of Maya is stronger than the power of our will. Thus, we continue to find excuses for why we must continue to work 50 or 60 hour work-weeks, why we still have no time for meditation, why we can't squeeze a visit to the holy places of India into our year's planning, and why we must continue to satiate our insatiable sensual urges.

The only way to break free from the veil of illusion that Maya wraps around our minds is to surrender to God and beg Him to show us the true light. The only way to break free is to make AND STICK TO concrete vows of how we are going to be better people next year. Rather than saying "I will find time to meditate" we must say "I will not leave for work without sitting in meditation and I will not sleep at night without doing my nightly introspection." Rather than saying, "I will try to come to India and visit holy places whenever I can," we must say "I will take my vacation this year in India and nowhere else."

Rather than say, "I will try to cut back on my expenses so that my financial needs are less," we must say, "I will not buy another jacket or pair of shoes [or anything] until the ones that I have are broken, torn or no longer fit me." Rather than say, "I will try to overcome my anger, lust and greed," we must commit to having daily appointments with God in which we introspect on all the times we allowed ourselves to be overpowered by these emotions and we must pray for strength, DAILY, to be remain calm, peaceful and sattvic in our lives."
If we wait for the right time, that time will never come. The only time is now.

May God bless you all with the clarity of vision to realize that the external world is Maya and with the strength, fortitude and dedication to remove the veil and attain the Divine Truth.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

***Powerful quotes by Sri Radhanath swami maharaj***

1. If we judge devotees, it is our spiritual destruction. Do not judge them. You don't know who they may be.
2. Mercy means to get what we do not deserve.
3. Great souls are merciful. Srila Prabhupada was pleased with the little things that someone did, even if that person had all bad qualities. His being pleased was his mercy, because he knew that if he was not pleased, Krishna will not be pleased and if Krishna was not pleased there was no hope for that person's spiritual advancement.
4. The behavior of a disciple can be an ornament for or a scar on the reputation of the spiritual master.
5. All glories to Guru Maharaj means nothing left for us, no credit for us.
6. Krishna consciousness is not achieved but awarded.
7. Ultimately everything will perish except our relationship with Krishna. Whatever we invest in that relationship is eternal.
8. Bhakti means the science of being defeated. Krishna wants to be defeated by the love of His devotee and the devotee wants to be defeated by Krishna's love.
9. Bliss in Krishna Consciousness comes only when there is an eagerness to hear Krishna Katha. This eagerness comes only when there is a sense of urgency.
10. Krishna is present fully in His Holy Name and this is realized by humility and sincerity in our chanting.
11. Millions of people will come if you simply present Krishna as He is!
12. We are insignificant, our sins are also insignificant, which Krishna can easily vanquish.
13. Whether advanced or a beginner in Krishna Consciousness, we should not be neglectful even for a second. That one second could mean our spiritual life. It could even mean our material life.
14. In giving respect we can be very happy, because we can do it in all situations. When we expect respect we are miserable, because it is not that everyone in every situation will respect us.
15. A Vaishnava forgives the offender before the offense is over.
16. Spirituality is based on development of character and philosophy.
17. If you compromise your integrity for the thrills of this world, you will suffer in the future.
18. Love is not enjoyment. Love is being enjoyed!
19. To love is to serve and to serve is to please.
20. Real faith is not something imposed upon us. Real faith is awakened from within in the proper environment, like a seed. A seed, of watered properly, grows into a beautiful flower.
21. When you surrender, that's where you get your strength from.
22. By allowing past karma to affect us, Krishna is giving us a chance to surrender more.
23. Surrender sounds horrible to one who wants to be a controller. But it is the sweetest and most pleasing of all words for a devotee who has a humble heart. For some it is a bitter medicine, for devotees it is sweet nectar.
24. Without humility you can have knowledge but not realization.
25. If you accept you are a fool, you can learn. Don't be a fool, but you should feel like a fool. If you don't feel like a fool, then you are really a fool.
26. At our level, genuine humility is to aspire for genuine humility.
27. When there is disunity amongst devotees, there cannot be proper Sankirtan.
28. We are compassionate towards animals but are violent with our godbrothers, godsisters and other Vaishnavas. Ours is the most personal philosophy but sometimes we are highly impersonal in our dealings.
29. If you have no determination, you are useless on the spiritual path.
30. To discriminate between the right and the wrong and to be determined to do the right is called determination.
31. Don't let a breath escape from your body without Krishna's name. That should be our determination throughout our life
32. Krishna Consciousness becomes boring if you are not determined.
33. Gratitude doesn't mean simply saying thank you. Real gratitude means reciprocation. If you are actually grateful to someone, you will reciprocate even if it means gr at sacrifice.
34. Every word we speak or everything we do, is either an offering to Krishna or our ego.
35. If you read every word of Srila Prabhupada's purports with a sense of urgency, believe me these words will change your life
36. Leadership is not a post to enjoy. If that is our idea then you will be a very miserable leader, a very exploitative person. Leadership is a very serious, significant responsibility of service to others.
37. Before we commit offenses to devotees the stage comes, in which we feel ourselves better than other devotees.
38. Offenses take away your service. The worst is that it takes away our propensity to serve.
39. Finding faults is sense gratification.
40. To see faults in others contaminates your heart.
41. A person who finds faults in others is a person full of faults.
42. If a person is criticising a Vaishnava, then that is the sign that Krishna has withdrawn His mercy and that is the means by which Krishna withdraws His mercy.
43. Fault-finding is Maya's very vicious weapon to divert your attention from what you have to do in life, and that is to clean up our own hearts. Physician heal thyself.
44. The manifestation of ignorance is material desires.
45. The more serious you are about spiritual life, the more you keep your mind in captivity.
46. Those who are honestly trying to control their mind, they alone can be trusted.
47. People's criticizing others is an exhibition of their envy towards GOD.
48. What is envy? Envy means, "I want to be seen as important and great." And if anyone is a threat to my own egoistic ideas, then there is negativity towards that person.
49. When pride comes, we are already fallen, what comes after that is only a detail.
50. There are two types of pride, the first is self-pride and the second is being proud of the person who is bestowing mercy upon us. The first pride leads to fear and the second pride leads to fearlessness.
51. To be proud of our righteousness is also a sin.
52. When you are proud of your humility, nobody may spot it except the Lord in the heart. He not only spots it, He will even magnify it.
53. Great people always feel that they need help though they don't. People who badly need help think they are great.
54. When you advance in Krishna Consciousness, it is more difficult to tolerate being honored than to tolerate being dishonored.
55. The world will appreciate you if you give time to Maya and devotees will appreciate you if you give time to Krishna. So you decide whom to serve.
56. Fighting against Maya is a blissful thing in the world.
57. For a non-devotee, Maya convinces not to surrender unto Krishna. But for a devotee, she convinces to postpone the surrender.
58. The happiness of the material world also disturbs us because it makes us forget Krishna.
59. There is enough happiness in this world to keep you attached to your sufferings.
60. ‎The only way we can make this world a better place is to transcend it.

The Pearls of Instruction by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura

1. We are put to test and trial in this world. Only those who attend the kirtana of the devotees can succeed.
2. Every spot on earth where discourses on God are held is a place of pilgrimage.
3. Possession of objects not related to Krsna is our main malady.
4. Let me not desire anything but the highest good for my worst enemies.
5. As dalliance with the body in luxury increases, so wanes the spirit of service of the Lord.
6. Those favored by God find their paths set by thorns.
7. There is no peace or happiness in our worldly life. Circumstances create turmoil and annoyance.
8. Chant the mahamantra loudly and with attachment. This will drive away inertia, worldly evils and pests.
9. Be indifferent to bazaar gossip, stick firmly to your cherished goals, no lack or impediments of the
world will ever stand in your way.
10. Pay due respects to the extroverts of the world, but do not be appreciative of their manners and conduct. They are to be shaken off from your mind.
11. A devotee feels the presence of God everywhere, but one averse to the Lord denies His existence anywhere.
12. You cannot appreciate transcendental matters with the reasoning of the world. It is sheer nonsense to decry them with the measuring stick of your intellect.
13. To recite the name of Sri Krsna is bhakti.
14. Life is for the glorification of topics on Hari. If that is stopped, then what need is there to carry on life.
15. Physical illness with Hari-bhajana is preferred to physical fitness without Hari-bhajana.
16. Our span of life on earth is short. Our life will be crowned with success if the body wears out with constant discourses on Hari.
17. We are here on earth not to work as artisans for making big buildings with wood and stone but to work only as messengers for the teachings of Sri Caitanya Deva.
18. A sycophant is neither a guru or a preacher.
19. To transform the adverse desires of the jivas is the supreme duty of the most merciful. To rescue one person from the stronghold of Mahamaya is an act of superb benevolence, far superior to opening innumerable hospitals.
20. Unless we are devoted to God, secularism shall not leave us.
21. Look within. Amend yourself, rather than pry into the frailties of others.
22. In this world of Maya, averse to the Lord, full of trials and tribulations, only patience, humility and respect for others are our friends for Hari-bhajana.
23. The Lord, Gaurasundara, puts His devotees in various difficulties and associations to test their patience and strength of mind. Success depends on their good fortune.
24. When faults in others misguide and delude you – have patience, introspect, find faults in yourself. Know that others cannot harm you unless you harm yourself.
25. I wish that every selfless, tender-hearted person of Gaudiya Math will be prepared to shed two hundred gallons of blood for the nourishment of the spiritual corpus of every individual of this world


"Nanda Kishor," the swami was saying. "Say something about your realization of Krishna consciousness."
Nanda Kishor scrutinized his hands, turning them over as if examining them for forensic evidence. His orange T-shirt and yellow dhoti were splattered with cooking stains; I knew he'd been cooking a lot today - every day. There was a long pause, and I thought perhaps he hadn't heard the swami - we had been fasting all day, so maybe he'd just zoned out. Then he glanced up at the swami.
"Well, I like to spend time doing service in the kitchen," he said in a voice so soft I could hardly hear him. "Especially rolling chapattis. For the guests that don't know, chapattis are round Indian pancakes made of wheat flour. I make them every day for the devotees instead of bread."
"This is really weird," I thought. "Why is he talking about food instead of philosophy?"
"We make them out of whole meal flour," he muttered, continuing his flat- bread soliloquy. "You roll them in a circle and then put them over a flame and they inflate like a balloon." There were a few giggles in the audience. "Anyway, if I have nothing else to do for the rest of my life, I would be happy to continue rolling chapattis for Krishna. Whatever we can do for Krishna, whatever talent we can offer, Krishna will accept that service and give us complete satisfaction."
I looked over at him; he looked like he was recalling the happiest moment of his life. Chapatti rolling suddenly took on a new meaning: the service he did - something I thought to be tedious - was his way of pleasing Krishna. I realized at that moment that devotional service could be varied; it wasn't limited to the front-line type of work I thought I was doing. Nanda Kishor was speaking philosophy after all! And his heartfelt talk made more of an impression upon me than any other speech that evening.
- From "Miracle on Second Avenue" by Mukunda Goswami

*Seven Amazing Benefits of Clapping*

👏“Clapping” a Simple Striking of Hands but it’s much more than you Think.
👏Normally People clap to Appreciate others for their Good works and achievements or when they are in mood of Joy.
👏People also Clap while Singing songs, *Bhajans* , and Prayers at Temples.
👏It is Scientifically proved that Clapping is very effective Exercise to cure many Human Diseases.
👏Clapping activates the Receptors in the Palms and cause activation of the large area of the Brain which leads the improvement in Health.
👏There are 39 different Acupressure points for almost all Organs on our Palm which are activated by Clapping and this action improves Your Health slowly but effectively.
👏Daily 10-20 minutes of Clapping in morning keeps You Fit and Active.
1. Clapping is an effective Medicine for the Person who suffers from Digestive Disorder.
2. Best Cure for Back pain, Neck pain and Joint pain.
3. Gout is a common problem with Old age People and can be easily cured by Clapping.
4. Helpful for Patient of Low Blood Pressure.
5. If someone is suffering from any Heart and Lung related disease then Clapping plays important role in curing these diseases also.
Clapping removes the obstacles from the Main and Collateral Channels and keeps You Fit and Healthy.
6. Children that practice clapping exercise daily make only few Spelling mistake and are Hard worker than others.
It improves their Handwriting.
The whole abstract of above given points is, Clapping sharpen the Brain of the Children.
7. Clapping increase the Immunity of the Person which provides the Strength to the Human body to fight against Diseases.
*So clap clap clap*
*and* *retain* *your* *Health*

Sunday, December 9, 2018

My Chest Swells Up With Pride

An amazing story by Indradyumna Swami about one of his disciples from
Russia, a very advanced mataji, who has dedicated her life and soul to book
*"My Chest Swells Up With Pride"*
 On the way out, one of my disciples, *Ragalekha dasi*, approached me. She
is a woman in her late 40s, and I remembered her as a *faithful disciple*
who always made it a point to come to my programs when I visited Russia. So
when *she asked me to visit her apartment to see her Govardhan Sila, I
 The next day, I went there with Jananivasa. I had several other
appointments that afternoon, so I was in a hurry. “We’ll have to make this
quick,” I told Jananivasa. But I was soon to be reminded that a spiritual
master must never be so busy that he cannot take the time to reciprocate
with and acknowledge a disciple’s loving service.
 *Ragalekha’s apartment was just one room* in an old building in the center
of the city. As I walked in, I was struck by the *spiritual atmosphere*.
There were few possessions – a chair, an old wooden bookshelf, an altar for
her Deity – but the mood was rich with devotion. Her Govardhan-Sila, named
Lala, was sitting on a little cushion, beautifully decorated with flowers
and simple ornaments. A variety of sweets were on a plate before Him.
 Ragalekha, dressed in an old sari, sat shyly in the corner.  _The whole
situation reminded me of a small, bhajan kutir in Vrindavan._
“Do you live here alone?” I asked her. “I’m a guest here,” she said looking
downwards. “This is Lala’s home.”
“Oh I see,” I said. “That’s a nice realization,” I thought. Then I looked
anxiously at my watch. My next appointment was in 30 minutes.
 *“Well what do you do each day?”* I asked.”
"I distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books,” she said.
“Do you do anything else?” I asked.
“No,” she said. *“That’s the instruction you gave me 13 years ago.”*
 I stopped looking at my watch. I could hardly believe my ears.
*“You’ve been distributing books for 13 years?”* I asked. Jananivasa spoke
 “Srila Gurudeva,” he said, “all the devotees in Yekaterinburg know that
*Ragalekha’s been going out eight hours a day, six days a week, for
thirteen years, distributing books, except when she’s sick.*”
 Ragalekha was looking at Lala. “Why didn’t you tell me?” I asked her.
*“She’s too shy and humble,*” said Jananivasa.
I felt tears coming into my eyes. I sat there looking at her. “Thirteen
years,” I thought, “every day on the streets of Yekaterinburg, distributing
my spiritual master’s books. What austerities this woman must have endured!”
 I suddenly thought of the previous day and how I had complained to
Jananivasa about the inconvenience on the flight. I felt ashamed of myself.
“She’s well known among the people in this city,” Jananivasa continued. You
can just imagine, so many years on the street, in the heat, the rain, the
wind, and the snow. *She’s out there when it’s 20 below zero*.” My tears
started running down my face.
“And *she doesn’t keep a ruble (Russian money) for herself*,” he continued.
“I’ve heard *she keeps all the profit for you.”*
 Ragalekha reached under the altar, took out an old worn-out envelope, and
shyly handed it to me. I opened it and saw US dollars inside. I handed it
to Jananivasa.
Jananivasa took the money out of the envelope. His eyes started turning red
and moist. “There’s *1,500 dollars* here,” he said in a quivering voice.
“It’s the *equivalent of two years of wages for a working man* in this
I looked around at the chair and the simple bookshelf and into the small
kitchen. Inside there was an old stove – and one pot. *“She only has that
one sari she’s wearing*,” Jananivasa said. “I’ve never seen her dressed in
anything else.”
 I handed the laksmi back to Ragalekha. “Here,” I said. “You use this money
for buying a ticket to India this fall. I will be taking devotees on
parikrama in Vrindavan for the month of Kartika. I want you to join us.”
 Her body tensed up. “No, Srila Gurudeva!” she said and pushed the envelope
back. “Please! The people who gave that money will get much more benefit if
it’s used in your service than mine. Think of their welfare.” I was
 “Who is this woman?” I thought. “Living so simply, *serving the sankirtan
mission of Lord Caitanya faithfully for so many years, desiring no fame or
recognition, and showing such concern for the conditioned souls!*” I
thought of something Tamal Krishna Goswami had once written.
 “Although some of us begin as gurus for our disciples, it seems that these
disciples are sometimes more fortunate than we are . Actually many of them
are elevated personalities.”
[from Vraja Lila]
 “Srila Gurudeva,” said Jananivasa, “this morning she admitted to me that
she took a break from her book distribution for the first time since you
gave her that instruction 13 years ago. For two weeks she repaired her
apartment, hoping you would visit.
“She had also taken the advice of the security guards at the open market
where she often distributes. For years, those big burly men used to throw
her out of the market whenever they caught her distributing books. Finally
they relented. They began to appreciate her determination and purity. Two
weeks ago one of them said, ‘Please take a break. You’re here every single
day. We’re afraid you’ll get worn down and influenced by the bad character
of those around you. Please!
 “She took it that the Lord was speaking through them, and she took the
time off. Gurudeva, we, your disciples, will arrange for her ticket to
India. Don’t worry. Already devotess here in Yekaterinburg have arranged
things so she doesn’t have to pay for the books she takes. They even pay
the BBT for the books she distributes. When necessary they also help pay
her rent, electricity, and water. She lives in another world. She just
distributes books day in and day out and spends a little on the worship of
her Govardhan Sila. She puts the rest of the money under the altar for you.
 By now, the tears were pouring from my eyes. Ragalekha came forward, with
folded hands and tears in her own eyes.”Srila Gurudeva,” *she said, “please
bless me that I may distribute Srila Prabhupada’s books until the day I die
and that I will always be a faithful follower of you and my Lala.”*
She started to pay full dandavats on the floor. Since women don’t generally
pay full dandavats, Jananivasa reached forward to stop her. I caught his
hand. “There’s no harm,” I said. “This woman is transcendental.”
 As Jananivasa and I walked out of the apartment, Ragalekha was packing her
book bag. I turned to Jananivasa. “It was worth it,” I said. “Meeting her
was worth all the austerities, inconveniences, and dangers I’ll ever
encounter in your country.”
 I thought about the words of Srila Prabhupada. “These news are giving me
new life . In my horoscope just done, they have described although this is
a critical period, if I pass through, I will live 100 years. Then I shall
surely come to visit your farm . The project is very nice. *When I hear
this report my chest swells up, being so proud of my disciples’
[Srila Prabhupada commenting on Tulasi das’s service, quoted by Srila
Prabhupada’s secretary, Tamal Krsna Goswami, in a letter to Ramesvara dasa,
August 22, 1977)